Posts in Theology and Culture
The Music of the Spheres

“And this is what the story of our redemption is – it is the story of discord being brought to resolution, of dissonance being turned into harmony, of a grand symphony of myriad voices working together to make a beautiful and stirring image that depicts the glory of the one who sang it. God has embedded this pattern – the pattern of death and rebirth, of sin and repentance, of evil and its defeat – into creation, because His creation comes from His Word.”

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Knit Together

“Every pregnancy should signal loudly to us that God is at work, that He has purposes, and that He will use us to accomplish them. The miracle of life tells us that choosing life over death, destruction, and murder is always the right decision, and will be rewarded.”

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Divine Story

“The story of Emmanuel redeeming our human race reaches to greater depths and heights than the story of the unfallen angels remaining in heavenly places. As Saint Athanasius marveled: because God has become man, man will become like God.”

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Loss of a Good Word (Again)

“Woman is the crown (Proverbs) and glory (1 Corinthians) of man. When we insist that women can only be truly fulfilled in the workplace, in trying to imitate what men do, we are enslaving them to a function they weren’t created for, aiming them at goals they aren’t meant to find their purpose in. This is the prison that feminism creates, and it robs women of their glory.”

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This Supernatural World

“I believe the key to our re-enchantment lies in simply believing the world we live in is the one God has said it is. It’s full of ghosts and ghouls, witches and warlocks, angels, dragons, giants, and more. Believe the world is what it claims to be, and look around at it in wonder.”

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Why Christians Need Horror

“Horror isn’t an unhealthy fascination with evil, and it’s not dwelling on forbidden things. It’s an attempt to understand the supernatural world we inhabit, complete with warnings against doing the very thing it’s accused of. It’s a reflection on the nature of humanity and the nature of the divine, on the relationship between mortal and immortal, and on the nature of evil. It’s a valuable story form that sticks around for a reason - it’s part of who we are.”

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Marriage is a Thin Place

“All the history of creation, from the first spoken Word of God to the final consummation at the resurrection, is a romance, a dance between the divine and the fallen, a love story of a hero rescuing His bride from sure demise. It’s the oldest story there is, and we get to play the leading lady.”

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Profane Sacrament

“[Abortion] is an act of blasphemy aimed directly at the face of the Most High. It’s an attempt to destroy not just a person created in the image of God, but to destroy the very image of God itself. It’s the closest a mortal can come to striking at God’s very nature, outside of Calvary’s cross.”

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Losing Winsome

“Don’t be fooled into doing the “nice” thing rather than the “kind” one. Don’t be tricked into feeding the lion your arm, foolishly thinking that that will appease him and that he may let you live. Remember that the lion is starving, and the spectators in the Coliseum are watching with bated breath.”

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The Deep Heaven of the Gay Gods

“It’s nothing less than the unified voice of the Christian Church, speaking clearly and bravely in all ages and in harmony with the scriptures, which can communicate the cure for this present evil. It’s only this voice speaking the gospel, which can give hope to poor souls who Satan would rather see mutilated, depressed, and defeated. Speak clearly, and rescue those being carried to the slaughter, save those who are pulling Deep Heaven down upon their heads.”

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The Groaning Church

“The King of Babylon has put idolatry into law in the form of a golden idol. There are three men who refuse to bow down. Three men who refuse to cower to the demands of the state, the culture, the world. Three men who stand firm, and who are punished for it. Three different men. Thrown into a fiery furnace – a purifying flame. And amidst the chaos, amidst the trial by fire, Christ stands with them all, and brings them out. May it be.”

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